bitbond Affiliate / Referral Program
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What is it? Profitable bitcoin lending | Global small business loans
Category: Financial Service
Affiliate payout in Bitcoin? YES
Which non-Bitcoin payout methods do they support? NO
Revenue Share Percentage: 20 – 50%
One Time Commission: 0.2 BTC
Lifetime Revenue Share: 20 – 50%
Affiliate Referal Commission: no information
Additional Program Info: You get paid 20% from borrower and 30% from lender.
Supported Crypto-Coins: Bitcoin
US Users / Players allowed? YES
An in-depth review is provided by
The FinTech-StartUp Bitbond is a P2P credit marketplace where small businesses can obtain loans from individuals worldwide. What is special about it is that Bitbond uses the digital currency Bitcoin as a technology and payment network and can thus create the first global market for SME loans.
Founded in July 2013, Bitbond has more than 16,000 satisfied borrowers and investors to its credit and has brokered more than 1,000 loans to more than 1,000 users in 120 countries with a loan volume of more than $280,000. For the successful brokerage of a loan, Bitbond charges borrowers a fee of 0.50% – 3.00% of the loan amount. The amount of the brokerage fee varies with the term length.
Bitbond for borrowers
Receiving a peer-to-peer Bitcoin loan primarily requires the borrower’s credit rating (Rating: A – F), which is determined by the Bitbond team as well as by corporate technology. Following a successful review, the borrowers are listed on the Bitbond website. At Bitbond, each borrower can have up to 2 current loans – including loans that are in the financing phase and loans that are already financed but not yet fully repaid. Each financing phase can run up to 14 days and ends earlier when the loan amount has been fully financed.
With Bitbond, small companies worldwide have the opportunity to finance a loan at a favourable price, which might not have been possible through a bank or only at higher conditions.
The Peer-to-peer Bitcoin loans are issued to self-employed persons and entrepreneurs (e.g. eBay traders and online shops) for terms from 6 weeks to 5 years for loan amounts of up to $10,000. The interest conditions are calculated on the basis of the borrower’s creditworthiness and start at an annual nominal interest rate of 7.70%. In addition, the term of the loan also plays a role in the interest rate.
Borrowers do not need a bank account for the Bitcoin transaction. For example, the Bitcoins received can also be used directly by wholesalers who accept the currency to buy materials or exchange them for the local currency via online exchanges.
Bitbond for investors
The advantage for the financiers on Bitbond are in the first place high returns of an average of 13%. To protect investors on Bitbond every borrower is audited by Bitbond.
In order to protect their capital, investors should diversify their capital into different portfolios in order to keep any loss as low as possible. For this there is on Bitbond for example the function AutoInvest. With this function investors have the possibility funds without much expenditure of time to assign and to establish automatically a credit portfolio. Of course, the investment preferences defined by the investor with regard to the investment sum, base currencies, rating profile and regions are taken into account. The registration and investment for lenders is free of charge with Bitbond.
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